Some of these software titles
Fortieth in literature and religious texts
The role of Hazrat Zeinab (PBUH) after the martyrdom of the Imam Hussein fortieth (PBUH)
Forty events
Forty importance
Celebrity bury heads of Imam (AS) and martyrs
The funeral of Imam (AS) and martyrs
The first pilgrims to the grave of Imam Husayn (as)
Chrafqt for Imam Hussain (PBUH) set Rvzarbyn
In the great works on history fortieth
Forty unlikely to enumerate the most important causes of view deniers
Fortieth Hussain (PBUH) words of the Supreme Leader (Fashion Zillah high)
Forty pilgrimage description
Forty fashionable
Section Pictures
Software features:
Ability to change the size, type and color of text
Ability to share content
The software allows you to send files to others
Paige access to cable channels Instagram