Basat Chi program, an application for internet needs all over Iran and a place for registering and inserting free car and car ads, real estate, hiring services and buying and selling new and second-hand goods, the same as home appliances, personal accessories, mobile and tablet, laptop, etc. You are
To buy and sell service goods, just install the Basat Chi app from this page and easily find your goods and services among the following groups in Basat Chi:
Real Estate
Recruitment and employment
for business
Telegram channel
Introducing websites
Doctors and medical equipment
Agriculture and Livestock
industrial tools
Related to the house
personal items
Entertainment and leisure
Some of the features of the basatchi program include:
Advanced filter for quick access to ads
Ability to register and search in all cities of Iran (1100 cities)
Share ads through social media and other apps
Ability to update the ad
Ad approval in less than 30 minutes
View all ads throughout Iran at once
Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
It has more than 200 thematic categories
The Basat Chi app has been released for free for the Android operating system.
At Basat Chi, we always strive to upgrade and improve our services and facilities. If you have any suggestions or criticisms, send them to or send us your WhatsApp support number (09910135462) if this goal is achieved.