Nobatak is an online queue system.
Every business which needs ticket for customers can use Nobatak. Barbers, doctors, photo shoot studio, etc.
How can I give ticket?
You have to go online and login at Nobatak at first, then you have to define your job, then you have to arrange your job schedule, then Nobatak gives your ticket to your customers.
How can I take a ticket?
You have to go online and login at Nobatak at first, then you have to find your service, then you have to find your ticket, then click on “save” button, your ticket is ready.
Nobatak advantags.
Receiving confirming message, adding your favorite jobs and customers, online queue management system, reporting spam job, blocking spam customers, watching ticket chart per day, showing your job information on map to rest of the people, showing your pictures, rating jobs, etc.
Attention! Nobatak is only available online.
To provide you with a better service, we would be happy to receive your opinion.
Tel :02188816078
Telegram: @Nobatack (