Ziarat Al Yassin

Ziarat Al Yassin

Version 4
Install +1 K
Category Religious
Size 8 MB
Last Update 2019 December 23
Ziarat Al Yassin

Ziarat Al Yassin

fereshteh developer
Version 4
Install +1 K
Category Religious
Size 8 MB
Last Update 2019 December 23
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More Info

The pilgrimage of Ali Yassin is one of the famous pilgrimages of Imam Zaman, which begins with the phrase "Hello Ali Ali Yassine". Al-Yassin's pilgrimage has been quoted in important hadith and prayer books and, according to some scholars, is one of the best pilgrimages of the Imam of the time and can be read at all times.

The pilgrimage to Al-Yassin is one of the pilgrimages recommended by Mafatih al-Janan. Since the pilgrimage begins with a greeting to Al-Yassin, it is nowadays known as Al-Yassin. Al-Yassin's pilgrimage started with twenty-three salutes: The first salute to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the subsequent salutations are addressed to the Prophet (PBUH) with special titles and titles. Then the pilgrimage ends with the confession of the principles of the believer's faith in them and the reaffirmation of their faithfulness to the religious authorities.

According to some scholars, Al-Yassin's pilgrimage is comprehensive and the best of his pilgrimages and can be read at all times. A large number of Shiites continue to read al-Yassin's pilgrimage and subsequent prayer, and special gatherings are held in various Shiite cities to read it.

The pilgrimage of Al-Yassin has two quotes, narrated by the famous narrator Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Abdullah Hamiri Qomi. He lived at the end of Soghri's absence, and several correspondence with him were quoted with Imam Zaman, among them an expedition that included al-Yassin pilgrimage.

Then we invite you to a beautiful audio of Al Yassin's pilgrimage.

Among the features of this program:

Simple and beautiful design

Beautiful and religious font

Ability to change font size and type

Recite each passage with beautiful and pleasant audio along with translating verses

Auto-move text with audio

pleas pry for me

User Reviews - 32 Rates
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بسیارعالی،بسیارعالی اباسط عبادی
رنگ و طراحی صفحه عالیه.. ولی صدایی که دعا را می خونه نمی پسندم، اگه از صدا و لحن دیگه ای استفاده میشد بهتر بود ، مثلا صدای آقای فانی..
میلاد عبدالهی
میلاد عبدالهی
بسیار بسیار عالی ست،،ممنون از عزیزانی که برای تهیه ی این زیارتنامه تلاش وکوشش کردند،،التماس دعا