Svgnamh Karbala (translated Lhvf), biographer Ibn Lhvf Peacock and important book, Introduction believers author
Issues before the Karbala incident occurred, the birth of Imam Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad's letter of Kufa,
Certain helpless, and Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Aqeel, Hani, Hor Corps, Karbala
Report of the events of Ashura and the martyrdom of the Imam and his loyal followers, Division ibn Ziyad, the testimony of Ali, Abolfazl Abbas (pbuh),
Martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the invasion of Khmyh and moaning women, and Fatima Sydalshhda of Doom
After the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Husain Khamsal cloak, captives al, Sermon of Hazrat Zainab (pbuh), Umm-speech (pbuh) and Imam Sajjad (PBUH), the great Ibn Lyn,
Captives in Sham al-Yazid Lyn back in Karbala
Fate and his allies to free the murderers Seyedolshohada
Selected Poetry of Mourning of Muharram